Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Jack was also known as "Jack the Toy Man", the title of his upcoming book

by Barbara Mulloy-Robbins

Not long ago,my husband, Jack Robbins passed away peacefully after a brief battle with cancer. On October 20th, Jack's life was celebrated at a Memorial Dinner. It was everything we hoped it would be, wonderful food, a classical guitarist, and guests who paid tribute to his many years as a major contributor in toy industry both here and abroad.  

It was my pleasure to deliver a brief eulogy which represented the fun-loving, recreational piece of his life....sailing the beautiful Florida waters in his sailboat, Hi Jack, we called it.
"In short, it went something like this:  

                                            We're standing at the seashore.
                                            A sailboat at our side spreads his white 
                                            sails to the morning breeze and starts for 
                                            the blue ocean.

                                            We standing and watching the boat disappear
                                            like a white cloud just where the sun and the
                                            sky meet each other.

                                            A voice next to me whispers, "He's
                                            disappearing." Then another reminds us,
                                            "Only from our sight--that's all."

                                            Soon we hear jubilant voices from other
                                            loved ones on a distant shore who watch him 
                                            arriving. Together they take up a glad shout,
                                            "Hurray, look everyone, its Jack the Toy Man"
                                            Welcome home, Jack."

Partially taken from Henry van Dyke's, "A Parable of Immortality."

Please take a moment to visit Jack's blog...
Jack the Toy Man

Friday, September 27, 2013

Second Annual Sarasota Book Fair!

Meet author, Barbara Mulloy-Robbins and many other authors at the Second Annual Sarasota Book Fair, Saturday October 5th, 2013. Barbara will be signing copies of her book, An Uphill Struggle - From ADHD to Chemical ADDiction.

Support local, independent authors and publishers by attending this wonderful  event!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

ADHD: Hot Topic, Big Questions

photo from

by Barbara Mulloy-Robbins

ADHD has become a “hot topic (a favorite expression used by talk show host, Whoopi Goldberg). However, ADHD is definitely a hot topic not to be taken lightly.

In the mid-to-late 70’s and 80’s my lovable, but definitely out of control five year old son, Greg, was professionally diagnosed with  MBD (Minimal Brain Dysfunction)... Along came the 80’s and 90’s with the viewpoint that it was just a “catch-all, yuppie fad disorder.” Today ADHD is the official renamed disorder according to the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).

Recently, Alan Schwarz  and SarahCohen wrote a great, and certainly timely article for The New York Times... ADHD in 11% of U.S. Children as Diagnoses Rise.

Some of the big questions from the article seem to be…

1. How discriminating is the diagnosis and treatment?
2. Are mild symptoms being diagnosed too casually? and…
3.  Dr. Thomas R. Frieden at the CDC (The Center for Disease Control) likened the rising rates of stimulant prescriptions among children to the overdose of pain medications and antibiotics in adults. Can this be true? 

It appears that the etiology of ADHD is calling out for more definitive answers.

ARTICLE LINK... It's a good read.

As a person who likes to stick a quote in wherever I can, this one seemed appropriate...

“There are years that ask questions, and years that answer.” -Zora Neale Hurston.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

“For Everything There is a Season…”

My Garden, a Harbinger of Hope

by Barbara Mulloy- Robbins

It has been said, “For everything there is a season…” and for me,  my season of health related distractions will hopefully soon come to an end.   

As many of you may know, the old order of my life came to an abrupt halt in July, 2012 with a health issue that interrupted perhaps a once in a lifetime vacation…a cruise down the Mediterranean coast.

However, it wasn’t meant to be. Instead, the Big “C” became an uninvited guest who brought along with it a HUGE laundry list of inevitable health issues to navigate through. With my focus on the above and all its related “extensions”, there never seemed to be enough time or energy to continue with my blog, Barbara's Reason, and along with that… promoting the 2nd edition of my book: An Uphill Struggle:  Managing Dual Diagnosis in the Family.

I decided that it is time to show up and become a presence once again in response to the extensive ADHD media coverage today. I watched Brian Williams on NBC Nightly News speak on several occasions about the subject.  Alan Schwarz and Sarah Cohen collaborated on an article for The New York Times and The Palm Beach Post , with the headline: ADHD Seen in 11% of U.S. Children as Diagnoses Rise. Those, along with many other ADHD articles have spurred me into action.

 I want to throw my hat back into the ring and speak about my troubled journey with two sons both diagnosed many years ago. This was a time when ADD/ADHD were neither recognized, treated or even accepted by the general public; certainly not the least of which, the medical community. Consequently, both boys chose to self medicate resulting in their untimely deaths in 1997 and 2004. It was for this reason, that I chose to write my book.

Sadly, it still appears there are no definitive answers to many of the surrounding questions regarding my sons' mental health and in broader terms, the entire world's.  It is, however, our thesis that an underlying condition (ADD/ADHD) tightened the grip of my boys' eventual addiction.

So, that was where I was then, and this is where I am now. I am dedicated to continuing the discussion surrounding ADHD, mental illness and addiction and how, in some way, the three all appear to be so closely tied together.